Demography 213 Practical Data Analysis for Demographers

Fall 2019

Fall 2019
Instructor: Carl Mason
Time/place: Monday 1-2PM and Wed 1-3PM/ 2232 Piedmont Basement Lab

Office hours (at 2232 Piedmont):
Office Hours

An introductory course for first year Demography Graduate Students in the use of the Demography Lab. Covers basic Unix skills & computing hygiene, LaTeX and the R computing environment.

R is the common computing language of the Demography Department and as such, the mastery of R will be an important by-product of the course. The primary purpose of the course, however, is to develop general computing skills-- specifically: (1) design and implementation of algorithms and (2) good computing habits.

We will spend the first five weeks of the course developing data exploration skills using R with particular emphasis on the "tidyverse". The remainder of the course will be devoted to projects inspired by world famous Demographers who will introduce topics and evaluate posters. There will be no final exam.

Since first year students are required to take Demography 110/210 simultaneously, this course complements that course in that it will provide the R background necessary for success.

The course meets once per week for a 1.0 hour lecture/demonstration. In addition there will be a 2.0 hour supervised lab weekly. Substantial work is expected outside of class, Friday afternoons, during my office hour is a particularly good time to do some of it.

Course Calendar & Assignments

Reading List

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